Write a paragraph on 'Human Rights' on the basis of the answers to the following questions in about 200 words.
(a) What do you understand by human rights?
(b) What are these rights?
(c) What is the condition of human rights in our country?
(d) What are the condition of women and children especially?
(e) What steps should be taken to improve their condition?
HUMAN RIGHTS (মানবাধিকার)
Human rights are the rights that a particular citizen of a country is supposed to enjoy. All human beings are born free and they are entitled to enjoy equal dignity and rights. Human rights include freedom of speech, freedom of belief, freedom of the press, right to education, right to food, shelter. etc. One should have the independence to express one's views and ideas without interruption from others. Again, we should have the freedom to stick to what we believe to be correct. All individuals have the right to the basic needs like food, education, etc. All individuals have the inherent characteristic of reason and conscience and they should put them into action when necessary. All individuals should act towards one another in the spirit of brotherhood. Citizens of a country should enjoy full freedom and should have the right to go to another country and be back whenever they wish. Again, all individuals have the right to be safe in their own country and hence their protection should be ensured by the government. The condition of human rights in our country is not up to the mark. Specially, the children and women are in want of enjoying human rights. Because the rural women are still neglected today and bereft of fundamental rights. The street children are found yet in the streets being deprived of all sorts of human rights. So, to improve their condition, the people from all walks of life side by side the government have to come forward to extend their helping hand.
human rights- মানবাধিকার;
entitle-অধিকার দেওয়া;
dignity- মর্যাদা;
include-অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা;
views মতামতসমূহ;
stick to-লেগে থাকা;
ensure-নিশ্চিত করা।